Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What's This About?

Take a minute of your time and think about all the children you know who moan and groan about getting up for school in the morning. Now think about this, there are children from all around the world who risk their own lives, all to gain an education. Children in developing countries walk miles after miles, climb unstable rope bridges, ride flotation devices down flooded rivers, etc. all for something in which countless American students take for granted. Many Americans may not know or recognize how other individuals across the globe struggle for something which is very accessible for American students. Additionally, for American parents and children, crossing the street to catch the school bus is perhaps the riskiest part of going to school, which is not the case in regards to other developing countries. My blog has been created to demonstrate and create awareness for Americans regarding developing countries around the world who do not have the funds available to improve access to schools; furthermore, with little funds available it leaves children with no option but to risk their lives in order to gain an education.

I hope after viewing my blog it will instill an unsettling feeling in the American perception of education, in effect, surely many Americans will chose to help contribute to cultural issues, such as the one I demonstrate in my blog. There are many other issues regarding education around the world, such as the lack of female rights to attend education, which I included on my related blog list and Obstacles To Overcome page; moreover, although I focused the information on my blog to be regarding one cultural issue, I hope individuals will still recognize there are many more issues beyond this, especially regarding education. Additionally, surely Americans will gain empathy for developing countries and will chose to help contribute to issues through ways I discuss on my blog under Ways to Help. Ways I discuss include the following: donating to Plan USA (a non-government organization who gives funds to global issues), spreading the awareness among American society, or even by donating to a child directly through Plan USA. 

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