Get To Know Me

Hello viewers,

I want to initially thank you for visiting the blog I have created regarding cultural awareness of educational issues around the world. I have always had a passion towards working with children and in the education field in general, which led me to majoring in elementary education. Through my research I have come across many educational issues around the globe. When I discovered the issue of children risking their lives to gain an education I immediately wanted to spread the awareness, especially for others who may be similar to me and have not known or heard about this issue. I deem as Americans having an awareness of education around the globe will bring new perspectives, as well as realizations of the freedom and convenience we have as a country. It may even bring reality to those who take advantage or simply do not recognize how fortunate we are. I hope after viewing the photos and posts I have included on my blog, you as a viewer will continue to spread this awareness, or individually help contribute to this issue through ways I discusses on my blog or through your own way. Spreading awareness of the struggle and risk children chose to take for education could benefit this issue, and bring realization to others in our nation for cultural awareness of the cultures around us. 
"The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, and you will fill yourself with hope." -Barack Obama