Obstacles To Overcome

Regarding the educational issue I chose to discuss on my blog, there are many difficulties and obstacles in regards to education around the globe which prohibit gaining an education. Many Americans may not be aware of issues and obstacles in relation to education, unlike developing countries, who consistently deal with problems in their way of a bright future. In developing countries, there is usually not much of a middle class; furthermore, it usually consists of an upper class who can hire private tutors for schooling, while majority of the population remains in the poor class and has to deal with obstacles of getting to school. Despite living in rural areas and being poor, another factor in the pathway to education is the weather. Majority of the photos included on my blog under The Problem were usually caused by bad weather and not having the funds available to fix transportation ways which were damaged, such as bridges.

Besides the educational issue I have chosen to discuss, like I mentioned on the home page of my blog, there are numerous more educational issues in developing countries. Another main obstacle, which I included on my blog list if one wishes to read more about, is regarding women’s right to education in developing countries and how women are considered in other countries; furthermore, adding to the list of issues regarding gaining an education in other countries. Areas which include some of the Taliban resurgence have had to deal and continue to deal with women discrimination, especially when it comes to education. Women discrimination is such a great obstacle I have included a video below which shows a brave Pakistan female, Malala, who risked her life for education. Recently Malala was shot in the head by the Taliban because she was attending school. Malala recovered from this incident and is still campaigning for females' right for education; additionally, Malala has been a great role model for other females around the world, especially in her area, she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.

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