Ways to Help

There are many ways the United States could contribute to helping areas in the world who do not have accessible transportation to school, or other educational issues in general. Americans could simply continue spreading the awareness of educational issues because, most likely, many Americans have not even heard or recognized the severity of educational issues around the world. Having awareness may help Americans appreciate the convenience we have and may inspire others to help contribute financially. Plan USA is a very successful NGO (non-government organization) which strives to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of vulnerable children in developing countries who deal with issues, such as the lack of accessibility to school. Founded over seventy years ago, Plan USA is a nearly $800 million organization often ranked among the top 10 international development agencies by reputation, size, and scope. Plan USA works side-by-side with communities in 50 developing countries to end the cycle of poverty for children by developing solutions to ensure long-term sustainability. Plan’s level of community engagement, long-term outlook, and constant focus on the needs and priorities of children is unique among international development organizations. Simply put: individuals may donate to Plan USA to help developing counties overall, or one could even sponsor a child directly in a developing country through Plan USA. Check out more information about Plan on their website listed here Plan USA.

Additionally, besides the NGO Plan USA, individuals could contribute spreading awareness in their own individual ways among the American society. Perhaps, in the future, Americans could implement cultural awareness month in schools and workplaces, similar to breast cancer awareness month. In doing so, it will allow an awareness to permanently be established and for all to recognize cultural issues. Having a cultural awareness month could establish awareness for either educational issues, similar to my blog, or other cultural issues around the world in general. This will allow children in schools to be educated about the world around them and will insinuate for every individual in general to develop empathy towards world issues; additionally, creating an awareness month will prosper leaders who will continue to spread awareness among American society regarding contribution to world issues. Spreading awareness of cultural issues in schools and workplaces by setting a month towards cultural awareness will, in return, create a positive and ever-lasting effect towards the issue, as well as the people contributing to the issue.


  1. https://www.unicef.org/education/girls-education

  2. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/education-plus-development/2021/02/10/why-is-girls-education-important-for-climate-action/
